These plug-ins provide folding kernel(s) for spacial separable filtering.
Central difference filter kernel, mirror boundary conditions are used.. (This plug-in doesn't take parameters)
spacial Gauss filter kernel. Supported parameters are:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
w | uint in [0, inf) | 1 | half filter width |
This plugin provides the 1D folding kernel for the Scharr gradient filter. (This plug-in doesn't take parameters)
mia-2dimagefilter mia-2dimagefilterstack mia-2dsegment-fuzzyw mia-2dseries2dordermedian mia-2dseriesgradMAD mia-2dseriessmoothgradMAD mia-2dstackfilter mia-3dcost mia-3dimagefilter mia-3dimagefilterstack mia-3dmany2one-nonrigid mia-3dnonrigidreg mia-3dnonrigidreg-alt mia-3dprealign-nonrigid mia-3dpropose-boundingbox mia-3dserial-nonrigid mia-mesh-deformable-model downscale:2dimage/filter downscale:3dimage/filter sepconv:2dimage/filter sepconv:3dimage/filter