

mia-3dnonrigidreg {-i io} {-r io} {-o io} [ options ...] [ Plugin type: 3dimage/fullcost ...]


This program implements the registration of two gray scale 3D images.


Help & Info

-V, --verbose=warning; dict

verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities. Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:

debug:Debug output
message:Normal messages
info:Low level messages
error:Report errors
fatal:Report only fatal errors
trace:Function call trace
fail:Report test failures
--copyright=(); bool

print copyright information

-h, --help=(); bool

print this help

-?, --usage=(); bool

print a short help

--version=(); bool

print the version number and exit


-i, --in-image=(input, required); io

test image. For supported file types see Plugin type: 3dimage/io

-r, --ref-image=(input, required); io

reference image. For supported file types see Plugin type: 3dimage/io

-o, --out-image=(required, output); io

registered output image. For supported file types see Plugin type: 3dimage/io

-t, --transformation=(output); io

output transformation. For supported file types see Plugin type: 3dtransform/io


--threads=-1; int

Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).


-l, --levels=3; ulong

multi-resolution levels

-O, --optimizer=gsl:opt=gd,step=0.1; factory

Optimizer used for minimization. For supported plug-ins see Plugin type: minimizer/singlecost

-f, --transForm=spline:rate=10; factory

transformation type. For supported plug-ins see Plugin type: 3dimage/transform


Register image test.v to image ref.v by using a spline transformation with a coefficient rate of 5 and write the registered image to reg.v. Use two multiresolution levels, ssd as image cost function and divcurl weighted by 10.0 as transformation smoothness penalty.

mia-3dnonrigidreg -i test.v -r ref.v -o reg.v -l 2 -f spline:rate=3  image:cost=ssd divcurl:weight=10


Gert Wollny