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Plugin type: 2dimage/filter
This program runs a series filters on a given input image. The filters are given as extra parameters on the command line and Ware run in the order in which they are given. To obtain a list of available filters you may run 'mia-plugin-help filter/2dimage' from the command line
input image(s) to be filtered. For supported file types see Plugin type: 2dimage/io
output image(s) that have been filtered. For supported file types see Plugin type: 2dimage/io
verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities. Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:
debug: | Debug output |
message: | Normal messages |
info: | Low level messages |
error: | Report errors |
fatal: | Report only fatal errors |
trace: | Function call trace |
warning: | Warnings |
fail: | Report test failures |
print copyright information
print this help
print a short help
print the version number and exit
Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).
Run a kmeans classification of 5 classes on input.png and then a binarization of the 4th class and store the result in result.png
mia-2dimagefilter -i input.png -o result.png kmeans:c=5 binarize:min=4,max=4
Gert Wollny