These plug-ins define 3D structuring elements to describe neighborhoods for morphological and other filters.
Closed spherical shape neighborhood including the pixels within a given radius r.. Supported parameters are:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
r | float in (0, inf) | 2 | sphere radius |
mia-2dstackfilter mia-3dcost mia-3dimagefilter mia-3dimagefilterstack mia-3dmany2one-nonrigid mia-3dmaskseeded mia-3dnonrigidreg mia-3dnonrigidreg-alt mia-3dprealign-nonrigid mia-3dpropose-boundingbox mia-3dserial-nonrigid mia-mesh-deformable-model close:2dstack/filter close:3dimage/filter dilate:2dstack/filter dilate:3dimage/filter erode:2dstack/filter erode:3dimage/filter growmask:3dimage/filter label:3dimage/filter open:2dstack/filter open:3dimage/filter sws:3dimage/filter ws:3dimage/filter