Image Registration and Transformation

Comparison, registration, and transformation of images. More...

Data Structures

class  C2DFVectorfieldRegularizer
class  C2DFVectorfieldRegularizerKernel
class  C2DMultiImageNonrigidRegister
 A 2D non-rigid registration class for time-marching PDE based registration. More...
class  C2DPPDivcurlMatrix
 Precomputed matrix for the DivCurl regularization. More...
class  C2DRegTimeStep
 The time step class for time-marching registration algorithms. More...
class  C2DRigidRegister
 Linear Registration of 2D images. More...
class  C2DTransformation
 This is the generic base class for 2D transformations. More...
class  C3DFVectorfieldRegularizer
class  C3DFVectorfieldRegularizerKernel
class  C3DMultiImageRegister
 A 3D non-rigid image registration class. More...
class  C3DPPDivcurlMatrix
 Precomputed Matrix for the DivCurl regularization. More...
class  C3DRegTimeStep
 The time-step part of time-marching registration algorithms. More...
class  C3DRigidRegister
 3D linear registration class More...
class  C3DTransformation
 This is the generic base class for 3D transformations. More...
class  CSplineParzenMI
 Implementation of mutual information based on B-splines. More...
struct  FDeformer3D
 A filter to transform an image. More...
class  TCost< T, V >
 The generic cost function interface. More...
class  TFullCost< Transform >
 Base class for a general cost function. More...
class  TFullCostList< Transform >
 A accumulation of cost functions that are weigted against each other. More...
class  TFullCostPlugin< Transform >
 the base class for the TFullCost cost function plug-ins. More...
class  TMaskedCost< T, M, V >
 The generic cost function interface. More...
class  TNonrigidRegister< dim >
 Class for image registration. More...
class  Transformation< D, I >
 generic base class for transformations More...
class  TRegModel< Dim >
 Base class for PDE model based registrations. More...
class  TTransformCreator< Transform >
class  TTransformCreatorPlugin< Transform >
 Factory class that is used to create the transformation creator. More...


typedef TFullCost< C2DTransformationC2DFullCost
 Base class for the full cost functions. More...
typedef TMaskedCost< C2DImage, C2DBitImage, C2DFVectorfieldC2DMaskedImageCost
 the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef TFactory< C2DMaskedImageCostC2DMaskedImageCostPlugin
 plug-in for the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef THandlerSingleton< TFactoryPluginHandler< C2DMaskedImageCostPlugin > > C2DMaskedImageCostPluginHandler
 plug-in handler for the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef TNonrigidRegister< 2 > C2DNonrigidRegister
typedef TRegModel< 2 > C2DRegModel
 the 2D time-marching registration model More...
typedef TFactory< C2DRegModelC2DRegModelPlugin
 Plugin for the 2D registration model. More...
typedef TTransformCreator< C2DTransformationC2DTransformCreator
 The base class for 2D transformation creators. More...
typedef THandlerSingleton< TFactoryPluginHandler< C2DTransformCreatorPlugin > > C2DTransformCreatorHandler
 The plugin handler to manage the transformation creators. More...
typedef TFullCost< C3DTransformationC3DFullCost
 3D version of the TFullCost More...
typedef TFullCostList< C3DTransformationC3DFullCostList
 An accumulation of cost functions that are weigted against each other. More...
typedef TFullCostPlugin< C3DTransformationC3DFullCostPlugin
 plugin base class for C3DFullCost objects More...
typedef THandlerSingleton< TFactoryPluginHandler< C3DFullCostPlugin > > C3DFullCostPluginHandler
 plugin handler for C3DFullCost object creation More...
typedef TCost< C3DImage, C3DFVectorfieldC3DImageCost
 the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef TFactory< C3DImageCostC3DImageCostPlugin
 plug-in for the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef THandlerSingleton< TFactoryPluginHandler< C3DImageCostPlugin > > C3DImageCostPluginHandler
 plug-in handler for the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef TMaskedCost< C3DImage, C3DBitImage, C3DFVectorfieldC3DMaskedImageCost
 the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef TFactory< C3DMaskedImageCostC3DMaskedImageCostPlugin
 plug-in for the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef THandlerSingleton< TFactoryPluginHandler< C3DMaskedImageCostPlugin > > C3DMaskedImageCostPluginHandler
 plug-in handler for the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef TNonrigidRegister< 3 > C3DNonrigidRegister
 Specialization of TNonrigidRegister for 3D data. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< C2DMaskedImageCostP2DMaskedImageCost
 pointer type of the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef C2DTransformation::Pointer P2DTransformation
 Pointer type for the 2D transformation. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< C2DTransformCreatorP2DTransformationFactory
 Pointer type to the transformation factory. More...
typedef C3DFullCost::Pointer P3DFullCost
 pointer of the 3D version of the TFullCost More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< C3DImageCostP3DImageCost
 pointer type of the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< C3DImageCostP3DImageCost
 A 3D non-rigid image registration class. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< C3DMaskedImageCostP3DMaskedImageCost
 pointer type of the image-to-image cost function base class More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< C3DTransformationP3DTransformation
 pointer type for a 3D transformation More...


EXPORT_3D float get_jump_level (const C3DImage &image)
 evaluate the noise-vs-gradient jump level for the normalized gradient field evaluation More...
EXPORT_3D float get_jump_level (const C3DImage &image, float noise_level)
 evaluate the noise-vs-gradient jump level for the normalized gradient field evaluation More...
EXPORT_3D C3DFVectorfield get_nfg (const C3DImage &image)
 evaluate normalized gradiend field of an image More...
EXPORT_3D C3DFVectorfield get_nfg_j (const C3DImage &image, float jump_level2)
 evaluate normalized gradiend field of an image More...
EXPORT_3D C3DFVectorfield get_nfg_n (const C3DImage &image, float noise_level)
 evaluate normalized gradiend field of an image More...
EXPORT_3D float get_noise_level (const C3DImage &image)
 evaluate an approximation of the noise level of an image More...
EXPORT_3D bool operator!= (const C3DTransformation::const_iterator &a, const C3DTransformation::const_iterator &b)
 Compare two transformation iterators. More...
EXPORT_2D bool operator!= (const C2DTransformation::const_iterator &a, const C2DTransformation::const_iterator &b)
 Compare two transformation iterators. More...
C2DTransformation::const_iterator operator+ (C2DTransformation::const_iterator i, size_t delta)
 Move an 2D transformation iterator forward by using its provided += operator don't use a reference to the iterator, because we use the created copy as result. More...

Detailed Description

Comparison, registration, and transformation of images.

Typedef Documentation

◆ C2DFullCost

Base class for the full cost functions.

This typedef is the base class of the full-cost cost funtions.

Definition at line 37 of file 2d/fullcost.hh.

◆ C2DMaskedImageCost

the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 35 of file 2d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ C2DMaskedImageCostPlugin

plug-in for the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 47 of file 2d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ C2DMaskedImageCostPluginHandler

plug-in handler for the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 53 of file 2d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ C2DNonrigidRegister

Specialization of TNonrigidRegister for 2D data

Definition at line 37 of file 2d/nonrigidregister.hh.

◆ C2DRegModel

typedef TRegModel<2> C2DRegModel

the 2D time-marching registration model

The 2D time-marching registration model

Definition at line 49 of file 2d/model.hh.

◆ C2DRegModelPlugin

Plugin for the 2D registration model.

Definition at line 58 of file 2d/model.hh.

◆ C2DTransformCreator

The base class for 2D transformation creators.

should the name be C2DTransformFactory?

Definition at line 37 of file 2d/transformfactory.hh.

◆ C2DTransformCreatorHandler

The plugin handler to manage the transformation creators.

Definition at line 51 of file 2d/transformfactory.hh.

◆ C3DFullCost

3D version of the TFullCost

Definition at line 34 of file 3d/fullcost.hh.

◆ C3DFullCostList

An accumulation of cost functions that are weigted against each other.

Definition at line 30 of file 3d/multicost.hh.

◆ C3DFullCostPlugin

plugin base class for C3DFullCost objects

Definition at line 46 of file 3d/fullcost.hh.

◆ C3DFullCostPluginHandler

plugin handler for C3DFullCost object creation

Definition at line 52 of file 3d/fullcost.hh.

◆ C3DImageCost

the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 35 of file 3d/cost.hh.

◆ C3DImageCostPlugin

plug-in for the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 47 of file 3d/cost.hh.

◆ C3DImageCostPluginHandler

plug-in handler for the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 53 of file 3d/cost.hh.

◆ C3DMaskedImageCost

the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 33 of file 3d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ C3DMaskedImageCostPlugin

plug-in for the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 45 of file 3d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ C3DMaskedImageCostPluginHandler

plug-in handler for the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 51 of file 3d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ C3DNonrigidRegister

Specialization of TNonrigidRegister for 3D data.

Definition at line 36 of file 3d/nonrigidregister.hh.

◆ P2DMaskedImageCost

typedef std::shared_ptr<C2DMaskedImageCost > P2DMaskedImageCost

pointer type of the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 41 of file 2d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ P2DTransformation

Pointer type for the 2D transformation.

Definition at line 405 of file 2d/transform.hh.

◆ P2DTransformationFactory

typedef std::shared_ptr<C2DTransformCreator > P2DTransformationFactory

Pointer type to the transformation factory.

Definition at line 43 of file 2d/transformfactory.hh.

◆ P3DFullCost

pointer of the 3D version of the TFullCost

Definition at line 40 of file 3d/fullcost.hh.

◆ P3DImageCost [1/2]

typedef std::shared_ptr<C3DImageCost > P3DImageCost

pointer type of the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 41 of file 3d/cost.hh.

◆ P3DImageCost [2/2]

typedef std::shared_ptr<C3DImageCost > P3DImageCost

A 3D non-rigid image registration class.

A 3D non-rigid image registration class. Initialise it with the desired parameters and call it with the source (template) and reference image to obtain a vector field describing the registration.

Definition at line 44 of file 3d/register.hh.

◆ P3DMaskedImageCost

typedef std::shared_ptr<C3DMaskedImageCost > P3DMaskedImageCost

pointer type of the image-to-image cost function base class

Definition at line 39 of file 3d/maskedcost.hh.

◆ P3DTransformation

typedef std::shared_ptr<C3DTransformation > P3DTransformation

pointer type for a 3D transformation

Definition at line 37 of file 3d/transform.hh.

Function Documentation

◆ get_jump_level() [1/2]

EXPORT_3D float get_jump_level ( const C3DImage image)

evaluate the noise-vs-gradient jump level for the normalized gradient field evaluation

imagethe input image
the jump level

◆ get_jump_level() [2/2]

EXPORT_3D float get_jump_level ( const C3DImage image,
float  noise_level 

evaluate the noise-vs-gradient jump level for the normalized gradient field evaluation

imagethe input image
the jump level

◆ get_nfg()

EXPORT_3D C3DFVectorfield get_nfg ( const C3DImage image)

evaluate normalized gradiend field of an image

Evaluate the normalized gradient field of an image. Noise level and jump level are estimated.

imagethe input image
the normalized gradient field

◆ get_nfg_j()

EXPORT_3D C3DFVectorfield get_nfg_j ( const C3DImage image,
float  jump_level2 

evaluate normalized gradiend field of an image

Evaluate the normalized gradient field of an image using a pre-defined squared jump-level

imagethe input image
the normalized gradient field

◆ get_nfg_n()

EXPORT_3D C3DFVectorfield get_nfg_n ( const C3DImage image,
float  noise_level 

evaluate normalized gradiend field of an image

Evaluate the normalized gradient field of an image using a pre-defined noise level

imagethe input image
the normalized gradient field

◆ get_noise_level()

EXPORT_3D float get_noise_level ( const C3DImage image)

evaluate an approximation of the noise level of an image

imagethe input image
the noise level

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

EXPORT_3D bool operator!= ( const C3DTransformation::const_iterator a,
const C3DTransformation::const_iterator b 

Compare two transformation iterators.

true if iterators are not equal, false otherwise

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

EXPORT_2D bool operator!= ( const C2DTransformation::const_iterator a,
const C2DTransformation::const_iterator b 

Compare two transformation iterators.

true if iterators are not equal, false otherwise

Referenced by operator<<().

◆ operator+()

C2DTransformation::const_iterator operator+ ( C2DTransformation::const_iterator  i,
size_t  delta 

Move an 2D transformation iterator forward by using its provided += operator don't use a reference to the iterator, because we use the created copy as result.

Definition at line 414 of file 2d/transform.hh.