21 #ifndef mia_2d_2dimageui_hh 22 #define mia_2d_2dimageui_hh 51 static const char *data_descr;
C2DImageIOPluginHandler::Instance::PData P2DImageVector
the singleton that a plug-in handler really is
C2DImage::Pointer P2DImage
Shared pointer representation of the 2D Image.
std::map< std::string, C2DImageSeriesGroup > C2DImageGroupedSeries
C2DImageGroupedSeries EXPORT_2D load_image_series(const std::vector< std::string > &filenames, CProgressCallback *cb=NULL)
C2DImageIOPluginHandler::Instance::DataKey C2DImageDataKey
The templatex basis class of all IO plug-ins.
#define NS_MIA_BEGIN
conveniance define to start the mia namespace
std::shared_ptr< Data > PData
Shared pointer to the data hadnled by this plug-in.
P2DImage load_image< P2DImage >(const std::string &filename)
Vector of 2D images to load and store series of images to one file.
helper class to derive from for data that can be loaded and stored to a disk.
C2DImageIOPluginHandler type
TIOPlugin< io_2dimage_type > C2DImageIOPlugin
Base type for 2D image IO plugins.
std::multimap< std::string, std::string > CSuffixmap
The map that maps file name suffixes to IO plug-ins.
THandlerSingleton< C2DImageIOPPH > C2DImageIOPluginHandler
Template for all plug-in handlers that are responsible for data IO.
P2DImageVector EXPORT_2D create_image2d_vector(P2DImage image)
This is the base class for 2D images that can hold generic pixel data.
bool EXPORT_2D save_image(const std::string &filename, P2DImage image)
std::vector< P2DImage > C2DImageSeries
helper type for image series
P2DImage EXPORT_2D load_image2d(const std::string &filename)
a class to provide a feedback mechanism to show progress
The generic base for all plug-ins.
#define NS_MIA_END
conveniance define to end the mia namespace