developed at:

Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Technical University of Madrid, Biomedical Imaging Technologies

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available from:


MIA - a toolkit for gray scale medical image analysis

Travis-CI build status Coverity Scan build status Coverage status


MIA provides a combination of command line tools, plug-ins, and libraries that make it possible to run image processing tasks interactively in a command shell and prototype algorithms as shell scripts. MIA is build around a plug-in structure that makes it easy to add functionality without compromising the original code base, and it makes use of a wide variety of external libraries that provide additional functionality.

MIA is written in C++ and can be compiled for various architectures and POSIX-compatible operating systems. Specifically, Debian Gnu/Linux packages for the stable MIA release are provided by the Debian-med Pure Blend, and are availabe for Debian/Jessie. Backports to the stable release Debian/wheezy are provided by the NeuroDebian project. Packages for Ubuntu 14.04 (LST) are available from the PPA: gert-die/trusty-mia

If you use the software for scientific work please reference it as

G. Wollny, P. Kellman, M.-J. Ledesma-Carbayo, M. M. Skinner, J.-J. Hublin, Th. Hierl, MIA - A Free and Open Source Software for Gray Scale Medical Image Analysis, Source Code for Biology and Medicine, 2013, 8:20

For further information, downloads, issue tracking, etc, please consult the Wiki.

