

mia-2dsegshiftperslice {-i string} {-o string} {-S string} [ options ...]


This program move the segmentation(s) of an image series by using a shift that is given on a per-slice base. The program can be used to correct the segmentation of the images if a linear registration was executed that only applies a translation and does not correct the segmentation automatically.


-i, --in-file=(input, required); string

input segmentation set

-o, --out-file=(required, output); string

output segmentation set

-g, --image-file=crop; stringSTRING

output image filename base

-S, --shift=(required); string

shift of segmentation - base name

Help & Info

-V, --verbose=warning; dict

verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities. Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:

debug:Debug output
message:Normal messages
info:Low level messages
error:Report errors
fatal:Report only fatal errors
trace:Function call trace
fail:Report test failures
--copyright=(); bool

print copyright information

-h, --help=(); bool

print this help

-?, --usage=(); bool

print a short help

--version=(); bool

print the version number and exit


--threads=-1; int

Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).


Shirt the segmentation given in set segment.set by files shiftXXXX.txt and store the result in shifted.set. Note, the numbering of the shiftXXXX.txx files must coincide.

mia-2dsegshiftperslice -i segment.set -o shifted.set -g shifted -S shift


Gert Wollny