- Class C1DFilterKernel
- put the convolution into this class, problem: it must work for all data types but should also be virtual
- Global C1DInterpolatorFactory::create (const std::vector< T > &src) const __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
- this should become the work of a plug-in handler
- Class C1DScalar
see if scaling can be expressed by a filter
seems like downscaling isn't done properly
- Global C2DPerfusionAnalysis::set_approach (CIndepCompAnalysis::EApproach approach)
- the parameter should be an enum
- Class C2DPPDivcurlMatrix
- Optimize like the 3D version that only stores the patch of required values instead of building the whole diagonals
- Class C2DTransformation::const_iterator
- this iterator shouldn't be here, but should be a separate class not bound to the 2D transformation
- Class C3DTransformation::const_iterator
make position readable from outside
add iteration over sub-domains
- Global C3DTransformCreator
- rename this to factory
- Class CCmdOptionList
- the whole command line option class structure needs a code cleanup
- Class CDatapool
add delete key function,
add automatic key generation
(maybe) all plugins that load data should load to the pool first to enable loading from temporarly generated data
- Class CHistory
- Use it.
- Global create_image2d_vector (P2DImage image)
- the interface that requires a vector to be passes may not be the best approach in ensures that we can also load all images from a multi-record image file type but other then that it is very inconvenient
- Global cross (const T2DVector< T > &a, const T2DVector< T > &b)
- Check why does it use indirection to the apply-function?
- Global mean_var (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
- could be extended to vector types
- Global T3DImage< T >::get_gradient (int index) const
- evil, remove it
- Class TDictMap< T >
- extend it to also contain help strings for each flag.
- Global THistogram< Feeder >::THistogram (const THistogram< Feeder > &org, double perc)
- this should actually cut of a percentage of the data and not of the bins
- Global THistogram< Feeder >::value_type
- change to meaningful name
- Class TNonrigidRegister< dim >
- the class name is misleading, depending on the given transformation, linear and non-linear registration can be achieved
- Class Transformation< D, I >
- the interpolator factory resp. the interpolator kernel should probably be part of the class