

mia-2dimagefilterstack {-i io} {-o io} [ options ...] [ Plugin type: 2dimage/filter ...]


This program runs a series filters on a series of consecutive numbered input image. The filters are given as extra parameters on the command line and are run in the order in which they are given.


File IO

-i, --in-file=(input, required); io

input image(s) to be filtered. For supported file types see Plugin type: 2dimage/io

-o, --out-file=(required, output); io

output file name base, the file type is set accurding to the 'type' option. For supported file types see Plugin type: 2dimage/io

-t, --type=

output file type, if not given the input type is used Supported values are:(-, @, BMP, DCM, EXR, JPEG, JPG, PNG, RAW, TIF, TIFF, V, VISTA, bmp, dcm, exr, jpeg, jpg, png, raw, tif, tiff, v, vista, )

Help & Info

-V, --verbose=warning; dict

verbosity of output, print messages of given level and higher priorities. Supported priorities starting at lowest level are:

debug:Debug output
message:Normal messages
info:Low level messages
error:Report errors
fatal:Report only fatal errors
trace:Function call trace
fail:Report test failures
--copyright=(); bool

print copyright information

-h, --help=(); bool

print this help

-?, --usage=(); bool

print a short help

--version=(); bool

print the version number and exit


--threads=-1; int

Maxiumum number of threads to use for processing,This number should be lower or equal to the number of logical processor cores in the machine. (-1: automatic estimation).


-s, --start=0; ulong

first possible number of file number range to be filtered

-e, --end=2147483647; ulong

last possible number of file number range to be filtered


Run a kmeans classification of 5 classes on images inputXXXX.png (X being digits) and then a binarization of the 4th class and store the result in resultXXXX.png

mia-2dimagefilterstack -i input0000.png -o result -t png kmeans:c=5 binarize:min=4,max=4


Gert Wollny